Sunday, 5 December 2010

Victim excursions in Grand Canyon National Park apparently died from Heat-national parks Traveler

Grand Canyon National Park officials have identified a hiker who died in a remote area of the Park as a man of Kansas 30-year-old.


Gavin c. Smith, Lawrence, Kansas, and four friends to tips down into the Canyon for a day excursion Tuesday along the itinerary of lava Falls near Tuweep on the verge of North Park. initial according to a survey, the party did about halfway down the Colorado River when Mr. Smith turned back around 9 a.m., saying he felt tired and was low on water.

While four out of that other continued down the trail, later separated, with two decide to camp for the night near the river and the other two decide to hike back to the top of a circle to their vehicle.

Body of Mr. Smith has been found by one of his companions of hiking late Tuesday afternoon, approximately 100 metres from a parking lot adjacent to where the route begins.

While the Park officials say that it seems that Mr. Smith died from heat-related complications, you will perform an autopsy.

View the original article here

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