Thursday, 23 December 2010

Exploring and Hiking in the Pyrenees

The wildest mountain region in Spain and France found the Pyrenees. This can be the perfect mountain retreat that you are looking for. Whether you are planning to run or walk from the mountains, you can be an exciting holidays this year with your group, family, friends or loved one. If you are looking for a wilder tour after the draw of the Alps, this is the perfect choice. The sculpted mountains are actually the natural border between these two countries.


Here you will find beautiful routes where you sharp peaks, admire basins and beautiful cirques can explore. You can even get a trail that lead you to spectacular gorges will follow. While you're there, don't forget to explore the Marcadau Valley, since the paths you lead to beautiful mountain lakes. Adventure trips is one of the best activities you can do while you're in the region. You can enjoy their food, culture and languages.

Here's what you can do to make your stay in the Pyrenees. On your first day, you can spend the night in Cauterets. This is near the entrance of the National Park of the Pyrenees. After eating your lunch, you can now increase Cambasque Valley via car. Once you sign up, you can take a walk on the Grande Radonnee 10 (GR10) and go up to Ilheou Valley. You will pass by a waterfall scenic shores of Lac d-Ilheou can see.

On the second day, you can transfer it to Pont d-Espagne. You can walk by the waterfalls, rushing streams and meadows. You can walk through the meadows Cayan plateau of lace. The route was originally used for trade in many years ago. You ca until your Trek you achieve Refuge-Brabant. You will find a stone chapel with high peaks in the background.

If you are full of energy, you may enter in a strenuous loop hike to the circuit des Lacs. There you will have a series of beautiful lakes. This is a great opportunity to see the lammergeyer and wild pad. After this is complete, you can return to Pont d'Espagne so you ca now explore Vallee de Gaube. From there you can enjoy the French highest peak-Vignemale explore. You can find the Lac de Gaube by the slopes of the mountain and when you later, you can use the cascade Esplmouse. You can continue with Refuge des Oulettes if you want or you can go back to the trail.

If you see to the Alpine meadows, you will need to get to Gavarnie. From there, you can stroll to Cirque de Troumouse. It is surrounded by striking mountain walls. The paths are winding if you meadows pass, streams and shallow mountain lakes wildflowers rushing. You can switch to Plateau de Pailla explore. Some parts of the track you can to see of limestone ridges. For another strenuous walk? Visit Hourquette d'Alans.

A day is not enough to have fun on the Pyrenees. It's better if you there for a week-long or even a month-long vacation with friends and loved ones.

Please Visit for more information about the Pyrenees Hiking,

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